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Thought Leadership

The following is a selection of critical papers and other writings by Capital Institute’s founder and president John Fullerton

The universal patterns and principles the cosmos uses to build stable, healthy, and sustainable systems throughout the real world can and must be used as a model for economic-system design.

Today’s greatest challenge is to address the root cause of our systemic crises – today’s dominant (neoliberal) economic paradigm and the financial system that fuels it and rules it – by transitioning to a more effective form of capitalism that is regenerative and therefore sustainable over the long term.

The transition toward a regenerative world is a collective effort that is already underway.

To promote collaborative review and comment on this paper (and the ideas it introduces) Finance for a Regenerative World is being released as a 3-part white paper series.

Towards a Regenerative Civilization: Reconnecting our Economics with Harmony Principles

In Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World, HRH The Prince of Wales declares: “At the heart of the matter lies a crisis in our perception – the way we see and understand how the world works.”i

Capitals in Context

Regenerative economies for a regenerative civilization - Einstein once said, ‘It is the theory which decides what we can observe.’1

Regenerative Capitalism Address at Yale University

Regenerative Capitalism Address at Yale University’s Center for Business and the Environment (Summary of Remarks by John Fullerton)

Limits to Investment

"The true nature of the international system under which we were living was not realized until it failed." ~ Karl Polanyi

Regenerative Development: The Art and Science of Creating Durably Vibrant Human Networks

Regeneration refers to the self-feeding, self-renewing processes that natural systems use to nourish their capacity to thrive for long periods of time and their ability to adapt to unexpected, sometimes threatening circumstances.

Evergreen Direct Investing

“The EDI idea … is the single most INTERESTING and PRACTICAL thing I’ve seen for fostering long-termism on the part of both companies and investors.”

‘Gospel of Wealth’ for the 21st Century

In his Gospel of Wealth, published in 1901, Andrew Carnegie declares, ‘The amassing of wealth is one of the worst species of idolatry.’ He states his position on the ‘duty of the man of Wealth’ in no uncertain terms

Financial Overshoot: From Stranded Assets to a Regenerative Economy

In July of 2011, Carbon Tracker released an important report, “Unburnable Carbon-Are the world’s financial markets carrying a carbon bubble?”

Letter to U.S. Senate on Safe Banking Act

I am writing to add my voice to the call by Americans for Financial Reform (AFR) and others including former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker for legislation that will seriously address the "too big to fail" problem

Statement on the Financial Transactions Tax

I am here to express my support for a Financial Transaction Tax. I will first explain my reasoning, and then address the principle legitimate concern about the tax from the perspective of a financial practitioner.

Goldman Sachs Historic Restructuring Speech

I come before you today to announce the most important decision in the history of Goldman Sachs. Before taking you through the specifics, I would like to share the historical context in which I have recommended this action to our board.

Blankfein Letter

The enclosed are John’s 2009 suggestions to Goldman Sachs CEO and Chairman Lloyd Blankfein on how to restructure the bank

John Fullerton Defines the Capital Institute Mission

Finance is the fuel of our economic system. With our contemporary version of capitalism, which some have called “finance capitalism,” finance’s role as the critical point of intervention has never been greater.

Regenerative Economies for a Regenerative Civilization

I believe this assertion holds both truth and great wisdom. Its macro importance is trivial when the world operates according to a theory that fits the context of the times. Its importance becomes paramount when the world is running on a theory that no longer fits the realities at hand. NOW is such a time.

The Relevance of E. F. Schumacher in the 21st Century

The inevitability of globalization and the dominance of increasingly large and powerful global corporations and financial institutions are an accepted fact of contemporary economic life. Competitive forces pushing us further in this direction continue to build.

Additional Research

The following is a selection of Archive articles and External papers