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a new economic paradigm

In an era defined by unprecedented global challenges, the foundational tenets of modern capitalism are being rigorously questioned. From the climate crisis and escalating inequality to the unsettling financial polycrisis, these global threats have prompted thought leaders, policymakers, and scholars to reassess the sustainability of the dominant economic system. Moreover, issues such as the rise of terrorism are increasingly understood not just as security challenges but as symptoms of economic and political disenfranchisement.

“Regenerative Capitalism” emerges in response to these urgent issues. This white paper, officially launched on April 21, 2015 at an event hosted by Yale University’s Center for Business & the Environment, was developed through extensive collaboration between Capital Institute and a diverse network of global thought leaders and innovators. It offers a groundbreaking exploration of how we can reconfigure our economic systems. Rigorous inquiry and dialogue have led to the identification of foundational flaws in our current economic theories—flaws that perpetuate cycles of boom and bust, environmental degradation, and social inequality.


The approach advocated in this white paper is not merely a critique but a constructive pathway towards a self-organizing, adaptive economic model that is aligned with the principles of living systems. This model integrates insights from across disciplines, including biomimicry, systems theory, and holistic science, to articulate a framework for economies that are not only sustainable but regenerative.

By embracing a holistic perspective that views economic systems as interconnected components of a larger ecological and social fabric, “Regenerative Capitalism” seeks to redefine the goals of economic activity. It challenges us to shift from maximizing short-term profits to generating long-term well-being for all stakeholders. The white paper positions itself as a foundational document for those ready to pioneer the transformation towards an economy that prioritizes resilience, fairness, and sustainability over the outdated imperatives of unbounded growth.


As we introduce this white paper, we invite you to explore the profound insights and practical applications it offers for transitioning to a regenerative economic system.

This is an essential read for policymakers, business leaders, academics, and anyone committed to forging a regenerative and thriving future.

8 Principles of Regenerative Vitality

In the quest to re-imagine a regenerative framework for economics, we turned to the profound wisdom embedded within living systems.

The eight principles of regenerative vitality are rooted in the universal patterns and principles the cosmos uses to build stable, healthy, and sustainable systems throughout the real world as the model for reimagining capitalism aligned with how life works.

  • In Right Relationship: A recognition of the intricate web of interconnections that bind all living things, emphasizing the importance of balance and mutual respect within ecosystems and human societies.

  • Views Wealth Holistically: A broader understanding of wealth that transcends monetary value to include social, cultural, experiential, and natural capitals, advocating for a comprehensive measure of community and ecological well-being.

  • Innovative, Adaptive, Responsive: The essential role of creativity, flexibility, and responsiveness in navigating the challenges of a rapidly changing world, highlighting the value of solutions that can adapt and evolve.

  • Empowered Participation: The vital importance of including all voices and stakeholders in decision-making processes, ensuring that every entity has the opportunity to contribute to the collective health of the system.
  • Honors Community and Place: An acknowledgment of the uniqueness of each community and locality, with a call for approaches that respect and reflect the distinct characteristics and needs of different areas.

  • Edge Effect Abundance: The potential for innovation and abundance at the intersections of different systems, where diverse elements meet and generate new opportunities for growth and creativity.

  • Robust Circulatory Flow: The necessity of a vibrant and healthy flow of resources, information, and energy throughout a system, mirroring the circulatory processes vital to living organisms.

  • Dynamic Balance: The pursuit of dynamic equilibrium within systems, balancing competing forces and elements to achieve harmony and sustainability.

Together, these principles form a holistic framework for understanding and engaging with the world in a way that fosters regeneration, resilience, and sustainable growth.


"Regenerative Capitalism" serves as a blueprint for a future where economic systems do not merely survive but thrive sustainably. It invites us to rethink how economic activities can be harmonized with our planet's ecological boundaries and societal needs, paving the way for a truly sustainable and equitable global civilization.


“Regenerative Capitalism” embarks on a profound journey through the systemic crises challenging our global civilization, advocating for a much needed shift from traditional economic paradigms to a regenerative model.

First, we will confront the urgent crises of our times and set forth a transformative hypothesis—that the universal principles governing healthy energy flow networks can revolutionize the design of human economies to foster enduring prosperity and well-being.

Then, we will delve into the pivotal transition from a reductionist approach that simplifies complex systems to a holistic perspective that appreciates the dynamic interrelations forming coherent wholes. This paradigmatic shift is crucial for managing the complexity of our interconnected global challenges. The discussion extends to how this holistic understanding, grounded in the science of universal flow networks, reshapes our economic practices.

Our exploration will deepen as we will delineate the Eight Key Principles of Regenerative Health, illustrating how each principle could manifest within a Regenerative Economy. We will then showcase practical examples of Regenerative Capitalism already taking shape in the real world, highlighting emerging trends and intentional practices that signal the nascent transition towards a sustainable economic framework. 

The white paper will conclude with a call to action for our generation to spearhead the transformative shift toward a regenerative, equitable, and sustainable global society, highlighting the critical role of collective endeavor in this pivotal journey. This is the Great Work of our time.


Sign up to receive your download of Capital Institute's "Regenerative Capitalism" white paper directly to your inbox.

Join us on this journey towards a self-organizing, naturally self-maintaining, highly adaptive regenerative economy so that long-term prosperity, human dignity, social equity, and planetary wellness can be viably sustained throughout the world.

This white paper is also available in Spanish. Please contact us at [email protected] to request a copy of the Spanish translation.

New Ways of Seeing, Thinking, Being and Leading for the 21st Century

This is not just a course, it’s the course we must take to build a regenerative and self-sustaining economy that is of service to all life. Held in an 8-week live-cohort setting with Thought Leaders from around the globe, you’ll tap into diverse perspectives on the core principles, frameworks, and practical application of Regenerative Economics.
Next cohort begins on September 4th, 2024

Enroll in our September cohort to get free access to Fundamentals of Regenerative Economics

A NEW 6-8 Hour On-Demand course to learn the premises, frameworks, and principles of regenerative economics.

The first 100 registrants will be invited to an exclusive post-cohort seminar with John Fullerton to put their learning into practice.