Evergreen Direct Investing · How Stewardship Investors Can Drive the Great Transition to Regenerative Prosperity We are pleased to introduce this week’s guest blogger, Tim MacDonald, who is joining Capital Institute as a Senior Fellow.…
Carbon Bubble · Beyond Divestment Two years ago, students at Swarthmore College began a fossil fuel divestment campaign, initially focused on coal. Last November, 350.org,…
Carbon Bubble · Why I Marched Against the XL Pipeline My daughter and I joined an estimated 50,000 demonstrators in Washington, D.C. marching against the XL Pipeline that would connect…
Derivatives · What JPMorgan’s Recently Released Internal Reports Unintentionally Say After apologizing at Davos – but only to his shareholders – according to William Cohan on the Bloomberg View, the…
Capitalism · Of Guns, Whales, Freedom, and Justice After visiting an awe-inspiring women’s empowerment program at work in several rural villages north of Delhi, our host at the…
Biomimicry · Will Sandy Trigger Our Great Transformation? We are now a couple of weeks into the aftermath of Super Storm Sandy, and no one has yet improved…
Capitalism · Reimagining Capitalism in Post Sandy America No scientist will tell you with certainty whether doping was the reason Lance Armstrong won any particular leg of his…
Climate Change · Inextricably Linked to Int’l Relations. So Why Isn’t Climate Change Being Debated Tonight? With the third and final debate scheduled for this evening, we undoubtedly will witness the first presidential debate in the…
Financial Reform · Of Ina and Ahab In her New York Times Magazine cover story on the fall of the well-regarded Ina Drew titled “Swallowed by the London Whale,”…
Climate Change · The Case for Spending Down a Charitable Foundation “Have things become so critical – both in terms of the scale of the challenges we face but also the…
Future of Finance · While Rome (and the Western US) Burns… It’s officially election season, and (surprise) we’re off to a terrific start. There are plenty of very real short and…
Financial Transactions Tax · Good Knight HFT The futile debate between market fundamentalists and those who claim you can’t stop “progress” on the one hand, and proponents…
Ecological Footprint · Financial Overshoot Last week, I gave a talk to the Missouri Association of Public Employee Retirement Systems annual meeting. This was the first…
Future of Finance · Off-Grid Financing The ramifications of the Libor scandal—what Warren Buffett glibly called a can of worms that affects the whole world—grow by the day.…