Capital Institute Blog

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Book Review: CASSE Issues Enough is Enough

The Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE) held its first conference, in Leeds, UK, on June 19, 2010, with a focus on finding alternatives to current models of economic growth. Featuring members of the Capital Lab-sponsored 3rdMillennium Economy steering committee Tim Jackson and Peter Victor, the conference brought economists, scientists, business leaders, government officials and the…
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Book Review: Capital Institute Contributes to Harvard eBook on Integrated Reporting

Capital Institute contributed to a new Ebook, just published by Harvard University Business School. The Landscape of Integrated Reporting is a collection of articles and thought pieces by those who attended a recent Integrated Reporting Workshop organized by Professor Robert Eccles, co-author of One Report. Our contribution is a letter written by a fictional CEO to her board of directors.…
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Book Review: A Review of Richard Heinberg’s The End of Growth

Richard Heinberg’s latest book, The End of Growth: Adapting to Our New Economic Reality, argues for a new economic paradigm. He presents a clear, thorough, and convincing argument that our faith in unrelenting growth and unfettered capitalism has led to the demise of our global economic system. The book is well-cited throughout, encouraging curious readers to dig deeper into the…
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Book Review: A Clarion Call for Corporations to Implement Integrated Value Reporting

One of the greatest obstacles to the rechanneling of financial flows toward investments that serve a more just and resilient economy is what can only be called the primitive state of corporate integrated value reporting. It is now of course common practice for companies to produce sustainability or CSR reports alongside their financial reports. And a handful of companies are…
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Book Review: Corporations are Not People

“Rarely have so few imposed such damage on so many.” So begins Bill Moyers’ Foreword to attorney Jeffrey D. Clements’ galvanizing book, Corporations Are Not People: Why They Have More Rights Than You Do and What You Can Do About It, a fascinating and disturbing account of the backstory of the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. the…
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Can Nature Be Monetized?

Many members of the Capital Institute community believe that the emerging markets for ecosystem services hold considerable promise as tools for redirecting the flow of capital toward economic activities that honor ecosystem constraints.  However, a paper that recently circulated among us entitled “The Environmentality of ‘Earth Incorporated‘”  raised some questions that challenge that belief.   The author, Sian Sullivan, argues that the …