Estate Tax · Fix (Don’t Flush) the Estate Tax “The external glitter of wealth conceals a corrupt political core that reflects the growing gap between the very few rich…
Future of Finance · From Paris to Drawdown Yes, it was a shameful poke in the world’s eye by the dangerously narcissistic, temporary occupant of the White House.…
Encyclical · March for Science — Really? How is it possible that in America, on the 47th anniversary of Earth Day, it was concluded that our situation…
Complexity · Shifting From Parts to Patterns “All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions.” – Leonardo Da Vinci I had the pleasure of hearing my…
Evergreen Direct Investing · Hell No! Sustainability icon and Unilever CEO Paul Polman made his feelings crystal clear on the unsolicited merger offer last week by…
Capitalism · Broken Trust At this year’s World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, Switzerland, PR firm Edelman shared its comprehensive annual Trust Barometer, confirming what…
City States · City States Rising! Globalism’s associated and accelerating complexity of interconnected crises from migration to terrorism, from pandemics to climate change, define the new…
Amazon · Dear Cities: Resist Amazon’s HQ2 There is something untoward about the feeding frenzy we are witnessing as cities across the country vie to be the…
Climate Change · President-Elect Trump: A Gift? Imagine if you can, Donald Trump has arrived as a gift, to illuminate for us the American “shadow” at this…
Future of Finance · Sail On, Sail On, Sailor The following blog post originally appeared on “Our vision is millions of people living and working in space, and…
Financial Transactions Tax · Brexit: Ignorance Calls Out Ignorance “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you in trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t…
Future of Finance · What’s the Matter with America? The Breakdown of Love, Strength & Intelligence The following guest blog post is by Dr. Sally Goerner, Capital Institute’s Science Advisor. Why have millions of American voters selected…
Future of Finance · To Break ‘Em Up, or Not to Break ‘Em Up, That Is the (Wrong) Question Over the coming months, I will be finalizing a white paper whose working title is “Fixing Finance: System…
Future of Finance · Trump, Sanders, and the Collapse of the American Oligarchy The following guest blog post is by Dr. Sally Goerner, Capital Institute’s Science Advisor. “The collapse of urban cultures is…
Energy Efficiency · Capital Institute Goes to Buffalo I had the privilege of spending a full day in Buffalo last week before delivering a lecture on Regenerative Capitalism,…