Capital Institute Blog

  • Future of Finance ·

Finally, a Discussion of Scale

Adair Turner, Chairman of the FSA (the SEC of the United Kingdom) is smart, articulate, and more aware than any senior regulator or finance official currently in power on this side of the Atlantic in my judgment. His 2011 Clare Distinguished Lecture in Economics and Public Policy on Reforming Finance is worth reading. In it, he discusses three interrelated ongoing…
  • Future of Finance ·

My First USDA Conference

I attended the annual US Department of Agriculture conference this week in Washington DC. My job was to participate on a panel with The Savory Institute, organized by the Risk Management Agency of the USDA. Our topic was “Critical Thinking: The Best Risk Management Tool.” My message was about systems thinking, and how the financial system collapse
  • Future of Finance ·

As Goes Egypt…

I am no Middle East expert, and clearly there are a multitude of factors beyond a humiliated fruit cart vendor in Tunisia that have triggered the revolutions playing out on our nightly news. Certainly decades of repression and unfathomable corruption (Mubarak is thought to have in excess of $40 billion invested securely outside Egypt) are primary drivers. But I would…
  • Future of Finance ·

The Six Root Causes of the Financial Crisis

“We conclude first and foremost that the crisis was avoidable,” declared Phil Angelides, chairman of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission.  No act of God.  Thanks Mr. Chairman. The report is weak and inconclusive, with no clear root causes.  The FCIC is no Pecora Commission, the exhaustive, two year inquisition into the causes of the 1929 crash in which
  • Future of Finance ·

Goldman and Facebook: Who’s Using Who?

I sure got that one wrong. At the end of my 2009 year end letter to Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, the third in an exchange that took place during the depths of the financial crisis, I predicted that Goldman clients would begin to defect, either of their own volition, or because their own
  • Future of Finance ·

Holistic Finance

I have discussed the problem of reductionist thinking, grounded in the Enlightenment, in the past. Nowhere is reductionist thinking more in force than in finance. Derivatives disaggregate risk into component parts, and then atomized parts are reconstructed into new wholes using securitization. This process goes on, with greater and greater leverage applied until it
  • Derivatives ·

How Banks Make Money in Derivatives

The mystery of derivatives, the secretive multi-trillion dollar market that few understand but is believed to be at the heart of the financial meltdown needs illumination. Without it, policy makers have no chance of getting much needed regulation right.  The recent NY Times piece, “A Secretive Banking Elite Rules Trading in Derivatives”
  • Future of Finance ·

Open Letter to President Obama

I was privileged to co-sign this Open Letter to President Obama as the UN Climate Change Conference opened in Cancun last week.  It calls for the US to live up to its prior commitment to support climate change funding for mitigation and
  • Complexity ·

Un-blissful Ignorance of “This Wild Balloon”

After my Thanksgiving turkey, I digested two recent commentaries on the financial industry, “Inside Job,” the mostly fair but incomplete documentary narrated by Matt Damon, and the balanced and accurate New Yorker essay, “What Good is Wall Street,”
  • Future of Finance ·

Energy Independence? Really?

“There Will be Fuel”, by Clifford Krauss, was the feature article in a special Energy section of the NY Times on November 16th. Not only was it amateur and unbalanced, it was irresponsible. The thesis was “peak oil is a joke, we’re now swimming in oil”. Nothing could be
  • Energy Efficiency ·

The Trade Balance, Free Trade, and Energy

Obama had a bad week at the G20.  He was rebuked by Western leaders on the weak dollar consequences of QE2, and he failed to secure a Trade Agreement with South Korea. There is something not terribly compelling about a trip to India, Indonesia, Japan, and South Korea, and pitching these countries on expanding exports from the US to create…
  • Future of Finance ·

Fractals and the Passing of Benoit Mandelbrot

I am grateful to the Triple Crisis Blog for making me aware of the passing this month of the great mathematician, Benoit Mandelbrot, who coined the term “fractal”. Mandelbrot defined a fractal as “a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size
  • Future of Finance ·

B Lab Advances Stakeholder Capitalism

I had the pleasure of attending B Lab’s National Leadership Gathering last week in Long Branch, New Jersey.  B Lab is a non-profit organization dedicated to using the power of business to solve social and environmental problems.  “B Corporations” explicitly seek to balance the needs of all stakeholders, and this requirement is